APPSC GROUP-II MAIN GRAND TESTS-2024( English and Telugu Medium)

APPSC GROUP-II MAIN GRAND TESTS-2024( English and Telugu Medium)

Product information

Number of chapters
3 Chapters
Number of contents
12 Contents
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Test series schedule: 

(All the tests will be from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM)

Grand Test 1
17-11-2024 (150 marks): (A.P. History + Polity)

Grand Test 2 
01.12.2024 (150 marks): (Economy + Science & Technology) 

Grand Test 3
15.12.2024 (150 marks): (A.P. History + Polity)

Grand Test 4 
29.12.2024 (150 marks): (Economy + Science & Technology)

Course Curriculum